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Rockville, Maryland

Rockville, Maryland

Facility Highlights

Storage highlights
Ambient Yes
2-8°C Yes
-20°C Yes
-30°C Yes
-80°C Yes
Cryogenic (<-150°C) Yes
Controlled Substance (15°C to 30°C) Yes


Cold Chain Logistics Yes
Kit Production Yes
Secondary Packaging & Labeling Yes
Pack-Out Validation Yes
Pharmacy Yes
Laboratory Services Yes
Aliquoting Yes
Tissue, Buffy Coat, PBMC processing Yes
DNA/RNA Extraction Yes
qPCR, Array, NGS Yes



Audit/Licenses FDA, HCT/Ps FEI: 3007110116


Our facility in Rockville, Maryland provides GMP biologics storage and cell therapy clinical trial support. Please contact us for additional information.

14665 Rothgeb Drive
Rockville, MD 20850